Watering the Seeds of Forgiveness
to Oct 11

Watering the Seeds of Forgiveness

This intensive class, held in a supportive and nurturing environment, will explore the nature of resentment and aversion we may have toward ourselves and others as a result of past actions. Through self-compassion and forgiveness, we can learn to let go of these harmful feelings, allowing our innate kindness to shine through.

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Yom Kippur - A Day of Silence and Refection

Yom Kippur - A Day of Silence and Refection

A Day of Silence and Reflection - Yom Kippur
In person or Online
co-led with Elaine Retholtz

Yom Kippur is the Jewish Day of Atonement, a day when, as a community, Jews are asked to reflect on their actions of the past year and to ask for atonement for any actions that were unskillful. In support of this day, NYI hosts a day of silence and reflection.

This year New York Insight will continue the annual Yom Kippur tradition and it will be offered as a hybrid event.

There will be meditations focused on the idea of right action, the difference between guilt and remorse, the laws of karma, forgiveness, and lovingkindness. There will also be an opportunity for mindful discussion on the Buddhist perspective on atonement. All are welcome to join us in this exploration. The day will end with a symbolic break-fast.

Doors open at 9:30am. If you are participating via zoom, you will be able to login at
9:50 AM.

Pre-registration is required. Please note the NY Insight COVID Protocol for In-Person Programs.

This daylong retreat is a dana (donation) based event, with donations being directed to New York Insight and the Buddhist Global Relief Fund.Thank you for your generosity!

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Mindfulness Meditation at the Rubin Museum

Mindfulness Meditation at the Rubin Museum

Join Jon as the Rubin Museum continues itsMindfulness Meditation series.

Whether you’re a brand-new beginner, a dabbler, or a skilled meditator seeking the company of others, join expert teachers in a 45-minute weekly program designed to fit into your lunch break. Each session will be inspired by a different work of art from the Rubin Museum’s collection, and will include an opening talk, a 20-minute sitting session, and a closing discussion. Chairs will be provided.



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Insight 101-- Six Week Beginner Course
to Jul 23

Insight 101-- Six Week Beginner Course

A class for beginning meditators and those curious about the Buddhist approach to meditation
Six Tuesday Evenings


This course will provide fundamental instruction in insight meditation. Emphasis is placed on the practices of sitting and walking meditation and developing mindfulness in daily life. Explanation and discussion of the Buddhist teachings central to insight meditation are part of each class. The course is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced meditators who wish to maintain their “beginner’s mind.”

The teachings of the Buddha have an experiential emphasis. It is not a question of believing that practicing meditation is beneficial, but of actually trying it out and experiencing the results for oneself. Insight meditation is a way to develop wisdom and compassion. The core of the practice is the cultivation of mindfulness. In the past few years, there has been a great increase in the study of mindfulness and its benefits. This class is appropriate to all with an interest in meditation and everyone is welcome.

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A Taste of Freedom

A Taste of Freedom

A Taste of Freedom
Jon Aaron and Upayadhi
a day of practice

In spiritual freedom, we do not become free from events, but we become free within events. Circumstances lose their power to lacerate our minds. - Gavin Harrison

The Buddha’s Third Noble Truth tells us: there is freedom from suffering. Certainly, there have been times in our lives when we have momentarily tasted at least a glimpse of this freedom. The Buddha prescribed a path for a more enduring, if not permanent, liberation. This path is a profound prescription for how to live and, in so doing, create a world where freedom becomes possible for all.

Through cultivating wise view and intention, ethical living, and wise effort, mindfulness and tranquility, we begin to see the fruits of our practice. On this day of practice, through meditation, chanting, silence and community, will co-create a compassionate spaciousness to remind ourselves of what is already here, to reconnect with a taste of freedom that does not rely on circumstance or worldly matters. We will also explore the Buddhist teachings of non-harm and non-violence.

Interestingly, an unconditioned and liberated mind does require some basic material conditions. We can’t cultivate an unobstructed heart without what the Buddha called “requisites for practice.” Traditionally these include shelter, clothing, and access to food, clean water and medicine. In this spirit, we will be donating 20% of our proceeds to organizations offering humanitarian relief and working for lasting peace in the Middle East and the Congo.

What? A day of practice, alternating between sitting meditation, walking meditation, dharma talks, gentle movement, chanting, extended periods of silence, and a listening meditation circle.

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The Heart of Mindfulness: A Silent Meditation Retreat
to Dec 17

The Heart of Mindfulness: A Silent Meditation Retreat

As the year and all its intensity come to a close, we invite you to join us for a contemplative and spacious meditation retreat on the beautiful campus of the Dharmakaya Retreat Center for Wellbeing. Creating a nourishing pause before the demands of the holiday season and the start of a new year, we aim to rest and restore our nervous systems, enliven and deepen our meditation practice, and give ourselves the gift of a winter solstice reset.

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On the Road…
to Jul 11

On the Road…

In June and July, I’ll be in Cleveland and Madison. Guiding meditation and giving talks. If those are your cities, I look forward to seeing you.

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Mindfulness Meditation at the Rubin Museum

Mindfulness Meditation at the Rubin Museum

Join Jon as the Rubin Museum continues its Mindfulness Meditation series.

Whether you’re a brand-new beginner, a dabbler, or a skilled meditator seeking the company of others, join expert teachers in a 45-minute weekly program designed to fit into your lunch break. Each session will be inspired by a different work of art from the Rubin Museum’s collection, and will include an opening talk, a 20-minute sitting session, and a closing discussion. Chairs will be provided.

Presented in partnership with New York Insight Meditation Center.

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There’s More to Death than Dying

There’s More to Death than Dying

Co-Taught with Amy Selzer and Nancy Glimm

Recollecting Our Good Qualities Before We Die

As a final daylong in this series on living with the nature to die, we will take the time to explore our best qualities. This reflection is so important though many of us need the reminder to do it.

We will spend time identifying and discovering the causes and conditions that support our good qualities. The Buddha spoke of two superheroes that protect the world. These are Hiri, conscience or postive shame, and Ottappa, concern for the results of our actions. Looking at these two qualities, we will observe our personal sense of integrity, and our understanding of what is wholesome and unwholesome.

We will look at other supports as well such as the refuges, precepts, fierce friendships and more. The day will include a writing exercise, movement, meditation both sitting and walking, break-out rooms, dharma talks and sharing.

All levels of practice are welcome. Why wait, let’s practice now!

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[PART 4] An Unapologetically Buddhist Approach to Mindfulness: Mapping Experience
to Mar 17

[PART 4] An Unapologetically Buddhist Approach to Mindfulness: Mapping Experience

There is far more to the Satipatthana Sutta that is apparent, or ever explicit, in most secular mindfulness courses. This will be an opportunity to explore the teachings in the fuller context of the Buddha’s presentation, unimpeded. Though all Four Satipatthanas overlap, each section will dive into one while relating to the others. You may register for all 20 weeks, or to any of the parts, which can stand alone.

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[PART 3] An Unapologetically Buddhist Approach to Mindfulness: The Wild and Crazy Mind
to Feb 3

[PART 3] An Unapologetically Buddhist Approach to Mindfulness: The Wild and Crazy Mind

There is far more to the Satipatthana Sutta that is apparent, or ever explicit, in most secular mindfulness courses. This will be an opportunity to explore the teachings in the fuller context of the Buddha’s presentation, unimpeded. Though all Four Satipatthanas overlap, each section will dive into one while relating to the others. You may register for all 20 weeks, or to any of the parts, which can stand alone.

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